Enjoyable and exciting programs in English at Researcher’s Night

Do you spend the 29th and 30th of September in Hungary and do you wanna explore some free programs? Researcher’s Night is ready to guide you through some interesting workshops, exhibitions, and classes on these days.

Are you ready to join an eye-opening program about humanities? If you are interested in the history and culture of the African continent’s southernmost country, join our interactive board game at the Researchers’ Night at ELTE. During the game, you are going to discover South Africa’s history in the 20th and 21st centuries and find out about the everyday workings of the apartheid system, which was based on racial segregation. 

How can we become the change we want to see in the world? How can we transform ourselves? How can faith groups and civil society contribute to a process of challenging materialism and orchestrated polarization and scapegoating? Why do researchers need to understand these processes? You can find the answers to these questions at The Galileo Project – Faith and Transformation interactive seminar at ELTE Social Science Faculty.

You can also try to control prosthtetic and robotic hands at Pázmány University. Here you can also understand better the principles and possibilities of surface electromyography and ultrasound measurements, and present our kinetic glove made in our Robotics Laboratory. Traveling to the future will become real at Researcher’s Night.

Explore Budapest on another level and register for the free programs now!

2023. szeptember 15.